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Do Dogs Like Wearing Dog Boots? An Insight into Dog Shoes.

Do Dogs Like Wearing Dog Boots? An Insight into Dog Shoes.

Posted by Inner Wolf on 14th Dec 2023

As a dog owner, you might have wondered if your furry friend needs footwear. The sight of dogs wearing shoes or boots can be amusing, but is it necessary? And more importantly, do dogs like wearing dog boots? This blog post aims to answer these questions and provide a comprehensive insight into dog shoes.

Understanding the Purpose of Dog Shoes

Before we delve into whether dogs like wearing boots or not, it's crucial to understand why they might need them in the first place. Dog shoes are not just a fashion statement; they serve practical purposes too. They protect your dog's paws from harsh surfaces, extreme temperatures, and sharp objects. They also provide extra grip for older dogs on slippery floors and help in healing wounds by preventing the dog from licking them.

But while these reasons make perfect sense to us humans, do our canine companions share the same sentiment?


Dogs Like Wearing Dog Boots?

The answer to this question is not as straightforward as it might seem. Dogs have different personalities and temperaments; what one dog may enjoy, another may detest. However, generally speaking, most dogs don't particularly enjoy wearing boots because it feels unnatural to them.

Dogs use their paws to feel their environment - much like how we use our hands. Their paw pads have a high number of nerve receptors that provide sensory feedback about the ground they're walking on - its texture, temperature, and so on. Wearing boots can interfere with this sensory input.

However, this doesn't mean that dogs cannot get used to wearing shoes or find them comfortable over time.

Making Your Dog Comfortable with Dog Shoes

If you decide that your pet needs dog shoes for protection against harsh weather conditions or rough terrains during walks or hikes, there are ways you can help them get accustomed to their new footwear.

1. Gradual Introduction: Don't rush the process. Start by letting your dog wear the boots for short periods indoors. Gradually increase the duration as your dog gets more comfortable.

2. Positive Association: Reward your dog with treats and praises when they wear their shoes. This will help them associate wearing boots with positive experiences.

3. Proper Fit: Ensure that the shoes fit properly. They should be snug but not too tight to cause discomfort. A good method to check how close a fit they are inituially is to place the paw against for sole of the upturned boot and see that there is a small amount of space around the sole. 

4. Patience and Consistency: It's important to be patient and consistent during this process. Some dogs may take longer than others to get used to wearing dog shoes. Bear in mind that the dog walking funny initially is not a sign of discomfort or them 'not liking the boots'. Simply throw a ball or toy around for them and you will soon see them get used to them. Then head out for a walk. 

Do Dogs Need Dog Shoes?

Whether or not dogs need shoes depends largely on their lifestyle and environment. If your dog spends most of its time indoors, they might not need boots at all. However, if you live in an area with extreme weather conditions or if your dog accompanies you on hikes or walks on rough terrains, investing in a good pair of dog boots can help protect their paws from injuries.

While most dogs don't inherently like wearing dog boots due to the unfamiliar sensation, they can learn to tolerate or even enjoy them over time with proper training and positive associations. Remember, the primary purpose of dog shoes is protection - they are especially beneficial for dogs exposed to harsh environmental conditions or those with specific medical conditions affecting their paws.

As a responsible pet owner, it's up to you to decide what's best for your furry friend's comfort and well-being. If you choose to introduce footwear into your pet's life, do so gradually and patiently - keeping in mind that every dog is unique in how they will react and adapt to this new addition.